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- \* Red Dwarf quotes
- \*
- %%
- 1.1 The End - Show begins
- 1.2 Future Echoes - Stuff from future
- 1.3 Balance of Power - Lister tries to be a chef
- 1.4 Waiting for God - Lots of Cat stuff here
- 1.5 Confidence & Paranoia - Lister hallucinates 2 people
- 1.6 Me^2 - There are two Rimmers
- %FROM Series One (Rundown)
- %%
- 2.1 Kryten - We first meet Kryten
- 2.2 Better Than Life - Videogame that's 'Better Than Life'
- 2.3 Thanks 4 The Memory - Lister Gives Rimmer some of his memory
- 2.4 Stasis Leak - The crew goes back in time in the ship
- 2.5 Queeg - Holly loses the ship to another computer
- 2.6 Parallel Universe - We meet female versions of the crew
- %FROM Series Two (Rundown)
- %%
- 3.1 Backwards - Crew goes to Earth, and everything is backwards
- 3.2 Marooned - Lister & Rimmer are marooned on an ice planet
- 3.3 Polymorph - Shapeshifter that can drain emotions
- 3.4 Mind Swap - Lister & Rimmer change minds
- 3.5 Timeslides - Lister becomes the richest person ever
- 3.6 The Last Day - Kryten's replacement arrives
- %FROM Series Three (Rundown)
- %%
- 4.1 Camille - Kryten falls in love with another android
- 4.2 D.N.A. - A DNA changing machine is found
- 4.3 Justice - Crew finds a pod with a killer in it
- 4.4 White Hole - Return of Toaster; Time changing story
- 4.5 Dimension Jump - Ace Rimmer appears.
- 4.6 Meltdown - Crew lands on a waxwork world
- %FROM Series Four (Rundown)
- %%
- 5.1 Holoship - Rimmer tries to get on a hologram ship
- 5.2 The Inquisitor - Crew must prove worthy people or die
- 5.3 Terrorform - Crew explores inside Rimmer's mind
- 5.4 Quarantine - Rimmer holds the crew in quarantine
- 5.5 Demons & Angels - We meet good and bad versions of crew
- 5.6 Back to Reality - The crew get different personalities
- %FROM Series Five (Rundown)
- %%
- Given that God is infinite, and that the universe is also infinite, would you like a toasted teacake?
- %FROM White Hole
- %BY Talkie Toaster
- %%
- Rimmer directive 271 states:
- No chance you metal bastard!
- %BY Arnold Rimmer
- %%
- I resent the implication that I am a one dimensional bread obsessed electrical appliance.
- %FROM White Hole
- %BY Talkie Toaster
- %%
- Better to have loved and lost, than to have listened to an album by Olivia Newton John
- %FROM Stasis Leak
- %BY Holly
- %%
- Will you relax, I've seen gerbel face play down in the recreation room hes a deaver.
- ^He can knock those stripy balls round the table all night long, and I tell you what:
- I've never once seen him loose a single ball down one of those holes!
- %FROM White Hole
- %BY Cat
- %%
- I'm fine thank you Suzan
- %FROM White Hole
- %BY Kryten
- %%
- I toast, therefore I am
- %FROM ?
- %BY Talkie Toaster
- %%
- You cant have my shiny thing!
- %FROM ? Confidence & Paranoia | Qweeg
- %BY Cat
- %%
- When in Rome do as the Snamor do.
- %FROM Backwards
- %BY Dave Lister
- %%
- Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!
- %FROM ?
- %BY Cat
- %%
- Kryten, unpack Rachel and get out the puncture repair kit. Im Alive!
- %FROM Timeslides
- %BY Arnold Rimmer (just before he explodes)
- %%
- Smoke me a kipper, skipper, Ill be back for breakfast!
- %FROM Dimension Jump
- %BY Ace Rimmer
- %%
- Dehydration - 34%, Recollection of previous evening - 2%, Eembaressment factor - 91%.
- ^Advise repair schedule:- off line for 36 hours, re-boot startup disk, and replace head
- ... WOW, what a night!
- %FROM The Last Day
- %BY Kryten
- %%
- Were on a mining ship, 3 million years into deep space. Can someone explain to me where
- ^the smeg I got this traffic cone?
- %FROM The Last Day
- %BY Dave Lister
- %%
- Shouldnt this cable go somewhere?
- %FROM Qweeg
- %BY Dave Lister
- %%
- Ahead groove factor 5! Yeah!
- %FROM Thanks for the Memory
- %BY Holly
- %%
- Im going to eat you little fishie!
- Im going to eat you little fishie!
- cos I like little fish!
- %FROM Better than Life
- %BY Cat
- %%
- Kryten personal black box recording. Time unknown. Location unknown. Cause of accident unknown.
- ^Should someone find this recording i hope it will shed light as to what happened here.
- %FROM Terrorform
- %BY Kryten
- %%
- Hello. Kryten in danger. No time to explain. Follow.
- %FROM Terrorform
- %BY Krytens hand
- %%
- I cant think straight. Ive got a taranshula with an eye the size of a meatball setting up
- ^home in my joy department. Help me.
- %FROM Terrorform
- %BY Dave Lister
- %%
- Im sorry. I must seem very ignorant. I hardly said anything, apart from `Geronimo`
- %FROM Holloship
- %BY Arnold Rimmer
- %%
- Better to have loved and lost, than to have listened to an album by Olivia Newton John
- %FROM Stasis Leak
- %BY Holly
- %%
- I know emotionly that probably isnt the news you want to hear right now but there
- ^is a blob on the scannerscope the size of New Mexico and its heading your way.
- %FROM Back to Reality
- %BY Arnold Rimmer
- %%
- You forgot Rimmer's Rule: Never fight anything with more teeth than the entire Osmond family
- %FROM Polymorph
- %BY Arnold Rimmer
- %%
- My god, his head's burst!
- %FROM Justice World
- %BY Cat
- %%
- That's rich coming from Miss Yo-yo knickers.
- %FROM Parallel Universe
- %BY Dave Lister ( to his female counterpart )
- %%
- Cat: Look at my hands, I had lovely hands.
- Lister: Well wear the smegging gloves!
- Cat: (picking up gloves) Marigold with blue? Are you crazy?
- %FROM Queeg
- %BY Cat and Dave Lister
- %%
- Lister, if two people came to you for a job, and one of them's dead, which one would you choose?
- %FROM ?
- %BY Arnold Rimmer
- %%
- The way the light catches the angles of your head ...... most enchanting.
- %FROM Camille
- %BY Kryten ( to Camille )
- %%
- I'm not pished.
- %FROM White Hole
- %BY Dave Lister ( asserting he wasn't drunk )
- %%
- Of course..... lager..... the only thing that can kill a vindaloo.
- %BY Dave Lister ( fighting the vindaloo monster )
- %%
- Isn't it about this time your head goes back to the lab for re-chewing?
- %FROM The Last Day
- %BY Arnold Rimmer
- %%
- Oxygen's for losers!
- %FROM Confidence and Paranoia
- %BY Confidence
- %%
- Kryten: They've taken Mr Rimmer! Sir, they've taken Mr Rimmer!
- Cat: Quick! Let's get out of here before they bring him back.
- %FROM Holoship
- %BY Kryten and Cat
- %%
- You make love like a Japanese meal
- - small portions but SO many courses.
- %FROM Holoship
- %BY Nirvana ( to Arnold Rimmer )
- %%
- Rimmer, they're a bunch of arrogant, pompous, emotionally wierd, stuck up megalomaniacs...
- ^do you really think you'll fit in with them? What am I saying? .... Bon Voyage!
- %FROM Holoship
- %BY Dave Lister
- %%
- But, I just want to say, over the years, I have come to regard you as...people I met.
- %FROM Holoship
- %BY Arnold Rimmer ( making his goodbyes )
- %%
- Excuse me, could I please just distract you for one brief second?
- %FROM Inquisitor
- %BY Kryten ( distracting the Inquisitor )
- %%
- I may be a shallow guy, but a shallow guy with a great ass!
- %FROM Inquisitor
- %BY Cat
- %%
- You're as much use as a condom machine at the Vatican
- %FROM Queeg
- %BY Arnold Rimmer
- %%
- Rimmer: You're totally egocentric, you flee at the first sign of trouble, you always look out for
- ^Number One, you're vain, you're narcissistic and you're self-obssessed.
- Cat: Hey, you just listed all my best features!
- %FROM ?
- %BY Arnold Rimmer and Cat
- %%
- You must remember that he is operating on a completely different level to us now. To him, we are the
- ^mental equivalent of domestic science teachers.
- %FROM Holoship
- %BY Kryten ( describing Rimmer with mind implants )
- %%
- Kryten: That is the Inquisitor. He prunes away the waste, expunges the wretched, and deletes the worthless.
- Rimmer: We're in big trouble.
- %FROM Inquisitor
- %BY Kryten and Rimmer
- %%
- You once spent an afternoon on the Samaritan switchboard and 4 people committed suicide!
- %FROM Inquisitor
- %BY Dave Lister ( trying to persuade Rimmer that he knows him )
- %%
- Sir - a couple of brief points:
- Firstly, you're not a qualified service engineer, and consequently, sawing me in two will invalidate my guarantee.
- Secondly, I wouldn't trust you to open a can of sardines that was already open.
- %FROM Terrorform
- %BY Kryten
- %%
- Well if it's not serious when your genitals can go off wandering on their own. I'd like to know what is!
- %FROM Queeg
- %BY Arnold Rimmer
- %%
- Hang five guys. I'm getting something. He committed suicide, he committed suicide, he committed
- ^suicide, the fish committed suicide. There is some kind of link here I can't quite grasp it!
- %FROM Back to Reality
- %BY Cat
- %%
- It's the old, old story:
- ^Droid meets Droid,
- ^Droid becomes Chameleon,
- ^Droid loses Chameleon,
- ^Chameleon turns into Blob,
- ^Droid gets Blob back again,
- ^Blob meets Blob,
- ^Blob goes off with Blob,
- ^and Droid loses Blob, Chameleon, and Droid.
- ^How many times have we seen that story!?
- %FROM Camille
- %BY Kryten
- %%
- Howdy doodly do. Howsit going? I'm Talkie, Talkie Toaster your chipy breakfast companion.
- ^Talkie's the name, toasting's the game. Anyone like any toast?
- %FROM White Hole
- %BY Talkie Toaster
- %%
- I've never been to Earth before, I've only seen it on photographs. It's exactly like
- ^I always imagined, only much shorter.
- %FROM Backwards
- %BY Kryten
- %%
- Personally, I thought it started well but fell apart. All that stuff with the ducks all getting into trouble,
- ^that was great. Then it all went black and white and I fell asleep.
- %FROM Holloship
- %BY Cat
- %%
- A superlative suggestion sir, with just two minor flaws One, we don't have any defensive shields, and two, we
- ^don't have any defensive shields. Now I realise that technically speaking that's only one flaw but I thought
- ^it was such a big one it was worth mentioning twice.
- %FROM Holloship
- %BY Kryten
- %%